Aug 22, 2023 | English Blog

 Posted by: Aura Torrez | Associate at Alvarado y Asociados.


                                                                                            NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

A.N. DECREE N° 8851 APPROVAL DECREE OF THE “INTERNATIONAL COFFEE AGREEMENT OF 2022”. Through this decree, the “International Coffee Agreement of 2022” is approved, which was adopted on June 9, 2022, through Resolution 476 of the International Coffee Council, during its 133rd period of sessions and signed by the State of the Republic of Nicaragua during the 134th period of sessions of the aforementioned Council, held from October 3 to 7, 2022 in Bogotá, Colombia. The objective of this Agreement is to strengthen the world coffee sector and promote its sustainable development in the economic, social and environmental aspects, in a market environment for the benefit of all participants in the sector. Gazette No. 120, Pages 5958 to 5972, of 07/05/2023.

                                                              MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT, INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE

Nicaraguan Mandatory Technical Standard NTON 11001 Propagation Material. Official certification; cocoa. ICS: 65.020.20. The purpose of this Standard is to establish the guidelines and technical specifications for the official certification of cocoa propagation material, which applies to the registration, production, conditioning, marketing, export and import of cocoa propagation material. Gazette No. 129, Pages 6307 to 6322, of 07/18/2023.

Nicaraguan Mandatory Technical Standard NTON 11002 Sanitary measures. Prevention, control and eradication. Avian Influenza Disease. ICS: 65.020.30. The purpose of this Standard is to establish the sanitary requirements for compliance with the Avian Influenza disease prevention, control, and eradication program in order to standardize the procedures, criteria, strategies, and operational techniques in the development and execution of the program throughout the national territory, applies to any natural or legal person engaged in the activity of importation, production, industrialization, marketing and provision of poultry services. Gazette No. 129, Pages 6322 to 6327, of 07/18/2023.