Have you created something unique, with an exquisite flavor, multiple benefits or simply a food product that you know everyone should try and have? Keep reading. You have probably invested many hours in making your product, in the design of its image, in growing your social networks and others, but an aspect that is normally left out is precisely to obtain a sanitary registration before the Ministry of Health. In this article we will tell you how easy and vital it is to obtain one.
First of all, make sure that the establishment where these products are produced or stored is legally authorized and has the necessary permits, which is, having obtained a Sanitary License issued by the corresponding authority. This authority is precisely the Ministry of Health through each of its Directorates and the Local System of Comprehensive Health Care (SILAIS). The aforementioned is important since it guarantees consumers that it is a place that is regulated by the governing body of health in our country.
To obtain the Sanitary License of an establishment and/warehouses, you must submit an application to the Health Center closest to your establishment. This will not be received unless it is accompanied by all the required documentation:
- Personnel Health Certificate: They must be performed at the corresponding Health Center according to the workers’ address. This is normally delivered on the same day it is requested. It must be done in person.
- General Cleaning Plan, scheduled for one year.
- Plague Control Plan, scheduled for one year.
- Solid Waste Plan.
- Original Fumigation invoice, issued by a company authorized by the MINSA
- RUC/ Registration at Municipality
- Others that may be requested by the authority according to the type of business.
- To complete the process, inspections are carried out by the corresponding officials and, if approved, your License will be valid for two (2) years, starting on the day it is issued.
Once the License is obtained, you can initiate the process of applying for sanitary registration of each of your products before the competent authority, which can be done personally or through your representative before the Ministry of Health. The process is relatively simple and for this you must fulfill the following steps:
- Make your application online. In the page of the Ministry of Health you will find a section called: Web applications, there you will have to complete general aspects.
- Once completed, this request will be sent directly to the MINSA. Print a copy and accompany your application with the following documents:
Information of the applicant: Name, identification document, name of the legal representative, exact address, telephone (s), fax, email and signature.
Manufacturer’s data: Name of the factory (as it appears on the license), license number and validity of the license or permit of the factory or warehouse, exact address, telephone, fax and e-mail.
Product data: Name of the product to be registered, brand, type, net content of the product. Interesting fact – the Ministry of Health can provide you with a model sheet to take as an example.
Copy of Sanitary License or current operating permit
Label project: It can be a color copy, remember to include all the required data according to the applicable labeling regulations.
Samples: The samples to be presented for analysis will depend on each product and applicable Nicaraguan Mandatory Technical Standards. For example for processed foods/beverages and food supplements the applicant must provide 3 samples of 500 grams each for solids and 3 samples of 1 liter each for liquids, these must come in their original packaging, be of the same lite and at least have 6 months before it expires.
Proof of payment: Application for sanitary registration (C$ 500), Payment of the form (C$ 50). Likewise, you must pay the corresponding fee for Laboratory Analysis, the amount will be indicated by the authority at the time of presentation of your product.
Once you make the request, you should only follow up and be aware of any notification you may receive in the email you have indicated as a reference. Through emails you will be notified when you application is filed, when your product is subject to review and finally when the corresponding Certificate has been issued. Through this same via additional information may be required.
Obtaining a sanitary registration will represent numerous economic benefits having greater possibilities of a better positioning of your product, competitive capacity and qualities that will allow you in many cases to venture into different local stores and even in international markets.
Please contact coviedo@alvaradoyasociados.com.ni if you need more information.