Nov 12, 2021 | English Blog


Resolution No. CD-SIBOIF-1273-1-OCT1-2021 STANDARD ON PUBLICATIONS. Dated October 1, 2021. The purpose of this Standard is to recognize, in addition to the written media of national circulation, other means for the publication of the information that according to the legal and regulatory framework corresponds to disclose to the entities subjects to the supervision of the Superintendence of Banks and Other Financial Institutions. Gazette No. 187, Pages 9770 and 9771, of 10/11/2021.


DECREE A.N. No. 8768 DECREE OF APPROVAL OF THE “AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON COLLABORATION IN THE GUARANTEE OF INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION SECURITY. Dated September 7, 2021. This agreement is carried out in order to guarantee the international security of information within the framework of this Agreement so that said collaboration contributes to economic and social development and is compatible with the tasks of supporting international peace, security and stability, of conformity with universally recognized principles and norms of international law, including mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, peaceful settlement of disputes and conflicts, non-use of force or the threat of use of force, non-interference in internal affairs and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the principles of bilateral collaboration and non-interference in the information resources of the States Parties. Gazette No. 169, Pages 9078 to 9081, dated 09/08/2021.

LAW No. 1083 LAW OF AMENDMENT TO LAW No. 606, ORGANIC LAW OF THE LEGISLATIVE POWER OF THE REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. Dated October 5, 2021. The fundamental purpose of this Law is to adapt the Organic Law to the operation of the National Assembly; therefore, it incorporates – since it is a source of Parliamentary Law – aspects of the parliamentary practice of the last constitutional periods that have been recurrent and that are considered useful for the continuous improvement of the management of the National Assembly. This reform strengthens the institutional development process of the National Assembly, since it organizes a more efficient and effective institution with more expeditious processes and procedures, turning the National Assembly into a Modern Parliament, some definitions are adopted, some rights of the Deputies and the Law Formation Process is streamlined. Gazette No. 185, Pages 9698 to 9706, dated 10/07/2021.

LAW No. 1048 LAW OF THE NICARAGUAN LEGAL DIGEST ON MUNICIPAL MATTERS. Dated April 28, 2021. The Nicaraguan Legal Digest on Municipal Matters aims to compile, order, purify and consolidate the current legal framework on this matter. It contains the records of the current legal regulations; the legal regulations not in force or Historical Law and registration of the consolidated legal regulations, related to Municipal matter. Gazette No. 189, Pages 9818 to 10116, of 10/13/2021.

LAW No. 1073 LAW OF THE NICARAGUAN LEGAL DIGEST ON ORIGINAL AND AFRO-DESCENDENT PEOPLES MATTERS. Dated August 12, 2021. The Nicaraguan Legal Digest on Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants matters aims to compile, order, purify and consolidate the current legal framework on this matter. It contains the records of the current legal regulations; registry of International Instruments approved and ratified by Nicaragua; the legal regulations not in force or Historical Law and registration of the consolidated legal regulations, related to the Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants matters. Gazette No. 189, Pages 10116 to 10123, of 10/13/2021.