Legal Update: Laws, Decrees, Agreements and Resolutions Published in The Official Gazette October 2022

Nov 9, 2022 | English Blog


 Posted by: Aura Torrez | Associate at Alvarado y Asociados.


RESOLUTION No. CD-SIBOIF-1338-1-OCT11-2022 AMENDMENT STANDARD OF ARTICLE 4 OF THE STANDARD ON THE INTEGRATION OF THE NICARAGUAN CAPITAL MARKET WITH OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Dated October 11, 2022. Through this Standard, article 4 of the Standard on the Integration of the Nicaraguan Capital Market with other foreign markets is reformed, in order to include in its scope, those securities of foreign governments or central banks that, according to the of their respective countries of origin, the registration requirement is not made before the regulatory entities, but they are registered (listed) for trading in their respective stock exchanges. Gazette No. 193, Pages 11620 and 11621, of 10/14/2022.

                                                                                      NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

LAW No. 1130, RUBÉN DARÍO NATIONAL THEATER LAW. Dated September 30, 2022. The purpose of this law is to establish the operation, administration, management, promotion, development and conservation of the Rubén Darío National Theater, for the benefit of national culture. Through this law, the Rubén Darío National Theater is conferred the character of a Decentralized Entity of the Executive Power, under the sectoral stewardship of the Presidency of the Republic, with technical and administrative autonomy, its own legal personality, its own assets, of indefinite duration. Gazette No. 185, Pages 11194 to 11196, from 10/04/2022.

LAW No. 1132 LAW OF AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO LAW No. 909, LAW CREATING THE NATIONAL CINEMATHEQUE AND AMENDMENTS TO LAW No. 723, LAW OF CINEMATOGRAPHY AND AUDIOVISUAL ARTS. Dated October 14, 2022. Through this law, Articles 1 and 4 of Law No. 909 Law Creating the National Cinematheque are reformed, giving the National Cinematheque the powers to regulate cinematography and audiovisual arts in all their aspects. A new Chapter is added regarding the registration of cinematographic and audiovisual activities and security measures, among these measures may consist, among others, in the prohibition of the development, public exhibition, commercialization of cinematographic and audiovisual products, as well as the confiscation of the themselves. Articles 20, 21 and 44 of Law No. 723, Law of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts, are reformed, referring to contributions (payments) in favor of the National Cinematheque, as well as the declaration as Cultural Patrimony of the Nation of the Film Archive of the National Cinematheque. Gazette No. 195, Pages 11702 to 11704, from 10/18/2022.

LAW No. 1051, LAW OF THE NICARAGUAN LEGAL DIGEST ON ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES MATTER. Dated June 13, 2022. The Legal Digest on Environment and Natural Resources matter, aims to collect, order, refine and consolidate the current legal framework of the legal regulations on this Matter. It contains the records of the regulations in force, the reference of the International Instruments approved and ratified by Nicaragua, the legal regulations not in force or Historical Law and registration of the consolidated legal regulations, related to Environment and Natural Resources matter. Gazette No. 197, Pages 11822 to 12159, from 10/20/2022.

LAW No. 1096, LAW OF THE NICARAGUAN LEGAL DIGEST OF CIVIL MATTER. Dated September 22, 2022. The Legal Digest of Civil Matter, aims to collect, compile, order, analyze, purge and consolidate the current legal framework of this Matter. It contains the records of the regulations in force, the reference of the International Instruments approved and ratified by Nicaragua, the legal regulations not in force or Historical Law and registration of the consolidated legal regulations, related to Civil Matter. Gazette No. 197, Pages 12160 to 12254, from 10/20/2022.

LAW No. 1134 LAW CREATING THE INVESTMENT AND EXPORT PROMOTION SECRETARIAT. Dated October 27, 2022. Through this Law, the Investment and Export Promotion Secrtetariat is created, within the structure of the Presidency of the Republic, legal successor without solution of continuity of the Agency for the Promotion of Investments and Exports (PRONICARAGUA) and the Presidential Delegation for the Promotion of Investments, Exports and Foreign Trade Facilitation. The fundamental objective of this Secretariat is to attract private investment, promoting foreign trade and national exports of goods and services, promoting a favorable climate for investment, foreign trade, contributing to government efforts in terms of investment policies, export and facilitation, all in coordination with the other instances of the public and private sectors. Gazette No. 203, Pages 12524 to 12526, from 10/28/2022.

                                                               NICARAGUAN INSTITUTE OF TERRITORIAL STUDIES

Administrative Resolution No. 125-2022 “Approval of the amounts for cadastral services of the General Directorate of Physical Cadastre of the Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies INETER. Dated October 21, 2022. Through this Administrative Resolution, the amounts for cadastral services that will be applicable to the general public are approved, which will be of indefinite application, as long as they are not modified by subsequent administrative resolution. Gazette No. 202, Pages 12473 to 12476, from 10/27/2022.