LAW No. 1029 LAW OF THE NICARAGUAN LEGAL DIGEST ON REGIONAL AUTONOMY MATTERS. Dated May 26, 2020. The aim of the Nicaraguan Legal Digest on Regional Autonomy Matter is to compile, order, purify and consolidate the current legal framework on this Matter. Contains the register of the current Legal Regulations, the reference of International Instruments approved and ratified by Nicaragua, Legal Regulations not in force or Historical Law and Nicaraguan Consolidated Legal Regulations, related to Regional Autonomy matter. Gazette No. 180, Pages 8252 to 8268, dated 10/01/2020.
LAW No. 1040 FOREIGN AGENTS REGULATION LAW. Dated October 15, 2020. The purpose of the Foreign Agents Regulation Law is to establish the legal regulatory framework applicable to national or foreign, natural or legal persons who, responding to interests and obtaining foreign financing, use those resources to carry out activities that derive in interference by foreign governments, foreign organizations or individuals in the internal and external affairs of Nicaragua, undermining the independence, self-determination and national sovereignty, as well as the economic and political stability of the country. This Law is applicable to natural and legal persons considered as obligated subjects, as well as capital or financial resources, goods, assets and foreign objects of value related to them. Gazette No. 192, Pages 8822 to 8826, of 10/19/2020.
LAW No. 1027, LAW OF THE NICARAGUAN LEGAL DIGEST ON LABOR MATTERS. Dated April 29, 2020. The aim of the Nicaraguan Legal Digest on Labor Matters is to compile, order, purify and consolidate the current legal framework on this matter. This Legal Digest contains the register of the current legal regulations, the reference of international instruments approved and ratified by Nicaragua, Legal Regulations not in force or Historical Law and Nicaraguan Consolidated Legal Regulations, related to Labor matters. Gazette No. 200, Pages 9165 to 9317, of 10/29/2020.
LAW No. 1042 SPECIAL LAW ON CYBER CRIMES. Dated October 27, 2020. The aim of this Law is the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of crimes committed through Information and Communication Technologies, in detriment of natural or legal persons, as well as the comprehensive protection of the systems that use said technologies, its content and any of its components, in the terms provided in this Law. This Law is of public order and will be applied to those who commit crimes provided for in it, within or outside the national territory. Gazette No. 201, Pages 9319 to 9326, dated 10/30/2020.
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 25-2020 DECREE OF APPROVAL OF THE “INTEGRAL CARE PROTOCOL FOR GIRLS, BOYS AND ADOLESCENTS VICTIMS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE”. Dated October 1, 2020. The Comprehensive Care Protocol for Girls, Boys and Adolescents Victims of Sexual Violence aims to strengthen the inter-institutional response capacity of the State of Nicaragua to guarantee the rights of girls, boys and adolescents to a life free of sexual violence through norms and procedures that comply with human rights standards, a gender perspective and a reinforced protection for children and adolescents who are victims of sexual violence, to guarantee effective access to justice. The Family, Adolescents and Children Ministry is designated as the coordinating entity of this Protocol. Gazette No. 182, Pages 8314 to 8369, of 10/05/2020.
Resolution No. CD-SIBOIF-1207-1-OCT06-2020 REPEAL TO THE STANDARD THAT REGULATES OPERATIONS WITH ELECTRONIC MONEY CARRIED OUT BY FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND TO THE STANDARD FOR THE AUTHORIZATION AND OPERATION OF ENTITIES THAT OPERATE WITH ELECTRONIC MONEY. Dated October 6, 2020. Due to the approval by the Central Bank of Nicaragua, of the Regulation to the Providers of Financial Technology for Payment Services dated September 16, 2020, which aims to regulate the authorization process for providers of financial technology for payment services and to establish other provisions applicable to authorized providers, establishing on its article 12 that the electronic money payment service will require the processing and obtaining of an operation license and / or registration before the BCN, Resolution CD-SIB is repealed -725-1-APR26-2012 containing the Standard that Regulates Operations with Electronic Money carried out by Financial Institutions, published in The Official Gazette No. 160 of August 23, 2012 and Resolution CD-SIB-725-2-ABR26-2012 containing the Standard for the Authorization and Operation of Entities that operate with Electronic Money, published in The Official Gazette No. 161 on August 24, 2012 and its reforms. Gazette No. 194, Page 8891, of 10/21/2020.