Mar 16, 2021 | English Blog


LAW No. 1060 LAW OF REFORM AND ADDITION TO LAW No. 406, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE OF THE REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. Dated February 3, 2021. Through this Law, articles 253 and 256 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Nicaragua were amended. This reform was made with the purpose of strengthen constitutional guarantees, preserve the presumption of innocence and an adequate defense of the investigated persons. The exercise of a criminal action requires deadlines that allow the exhaustion of all the steps investigation, which complies with all the formalities, guarantees and evidential supports for the presentation of a sustained accusation and the obtaining of a duly motivated sentence. Gazette No. 25, Page 1024, of 02/05/2021.

LAW No. 1061 LAW OF AMENDMENTS AND ADDITION TO LAW No. 842, LAW OF PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF CONSUMERS AND USERS. Dated February 4, 2021. In this reform, the concept of Consumer Person or User (art. 5) includes the State and its institutions; the concept of “basic services” and “financial services” were expanded. It incorporates within the Regulatory Entities, in the case of financial services, the Central Bank of Nicaragua (BCN). In the field of application of sanctions established by law, it expressly establishes the power that Regulatory Entities will have, to establish and execute in their own internal regulations, within the scope of their competences, the types of infractions and the sanctions to apply, without prejudice to the corresponding criminal and civil actions; likewise, said Regulatory Entities, other than DIPRODEC, are empowered to establish the amount of the fines. Gazette No. 27, Pages 1088 to 1090, of 02/09/2021.

LAW No. 1064 LAW FOR THE CREATION OF THE NATIONAL SECRETARIAT FOR OUTER SPACE, THE MOON AND OTHER CELESTIAL BODIES AFFAIR. Dated February 18, 2021. The purpose of this law is to create a Secretariat that allows monitoring compliance with the commitments derived from the Treaty on Principles governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies, and the Agreements, Conventions and Declarations in this matter. Gazette No. 35, Pages 1570 and 1571, of 02/19/2021.



RESOLUTION CD-BCN-IV-1-21 AMENDMENTS TO RESOLUTIONS CD-BCN-LIX-1-19 AND DC-BCN-LIX-2-19. Dated January 27, 2021. With this resolution, articles 3, 8, 12, 22, 23 and 24 of Resolution CD-BCN-LIX-1-19 “Regulation of the providers of sale and / or currency exchange services” and the articles 3, 4, 8, 9 subsection c, 10, 12, 22, 23 and 24 of Resolution CD-BCN-LIX-2-19 “Regulation of remittance payment service providers” are amended. These reforms are related to the application and approval process deadlines, in order to encourage the registration of suppliers, as well as other aspects related to the license and / or registration management process and other derived procedures, looking for the strengthening of these instruments. Gazette No. 26, Pages 1071 to 1074, dated 02/08/2021.

RESOLUTION CD-BCN-VI-1-21 REGULATION OF SUBAGENTS OF PROVIDERS OF REMITTANCE PAYMENT SERVICES. Dated February 3, 2021. The purpose of this regulation is to establish the requirements that remittance payment service providers authorized by the BCN must meet to operate as subagents. It is applicable to providers of remittance payment services in the national territory and their subagents, which can be natural or legal persons legally established in Nicaragua. Gazette No. 36, Pages 1640 to 1643, of 02/22/2021.



REGULATION OF BONDS EXECUTION FOR TOURIST INVESTMENT PROJECTS. Dated January 14, 2021. This regulation for the bonds execution has been prepared as a support instrument, to be used with the purpose of achieving more efficient, effective and standard execution to the owners of tourist projects approved under the regime of the Law of Tourism Incentives for the Tourism Industry of the Republic of Nicaragua, which fail to comply with the obligations stipulated in the Tourism Investment and Promotion Contract (CTIP). Gazette No. 37, Pages 1656 to 1661, of 02/23/2021.